Welcome to Mini Debian Conference Japan 2016!
date: 2016-12-10 (UTC+9)
Learn More Registration KSP RegistrationPGP/GPG Keysigning during Mini Debian Conference Japan 2016
A keysigning party or meeting is a get-together of at least two individuals who use the PGP encryption system with the purpose of allowing them to sign each others keys. Keysigning parties serve to extend the web of trust (WoT) to a great degree. And it’s a good opportunity to meet the developers in the keysigning party.
Register your public key to the registration site no later than 23:59 (UTC+9) on Sunday December 4th 2016.
Before registration, please confirm your ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf has the following setting:
digest-algo sha256 personal-digest-preferences SHA256 cert-digest-algo SHA256 default-preference-list SHA512 SHA384 SHA256 SHA224 AES256 AES192 AES CAST5 ZLIB BZIP2 ZIP Uncompressed
Provide your ascii armored, cleaned, minimized and clear-signed public key by:
$ gpg --armor --export-options export-clean,export-minimal --export "Your Key ID" | gpg --local-user "Your Key ID" --clearsign
Your keys will be processed manually and if the submitted keys are valid, the key IDs will be listed at Participant List. If you find an error write immediately to Keysigning Coordinator. The registration is finished if you find your name in that list. If you don’t find your name in that list after 24 hours, and there’s no contact from Keysigning Coordinator, please write to Keysigning Coordinator.
Please use stronger PGP/GPG key to participate this event. It’s required to have at least 2048/RSA. Long time user maybe still uses 1024/DSA. Please make 2048/RSA or above before participate this keysigning party.
Coordinator will send out message after confirmed your key. If you find an error write immediately to coordinator. Participants and their keys are listed in Participant List, please confirm your key listed there.
A keysigning party or meeting is a get-together of at least two individuals who use the PGP encryption system with the purpose of allowing them to sign each others keys. Keysigning parties serve to extend the web of trust (WoT) to a great degree.
The keysignings will be based on the Efficient Group Key Signing Method by Len Sassaman and Phil Zimmermann which is a protocol to do keysignings in a way that is faster than the way many people may be familiar with.
Please refer the following steps to generate the data of your PGP/GPG key for KSP registration of Mini Debian Conference Japan 2016 Keysigning Party
gpg --armor --export-options export-clean,export-minimal --export "Your Key ID" | gpg --local-user "Your Key ID" --clearsign
Please copy the ascii armored output of the above command, and paste to the registration page. Here is a sample of the output.
If you don’t have command line environment, please contact with the Keysigning Coordinator.
It’s NOT RECOMMENDED to participate without submitting your key and having your name on the list. So if you want to participate, please finish submitting your key no later than 23:59 (UTC+9) on Sunday December 4th 2016.
If you missed the deadline, please bring paper slips or business cards with your name, email address and gpg fingerprint. Remember to bring enough copies of the paper slips or business cards, because you need to hand out one to everybody keysigning with. You can refer the Keysigning wiki to make the paper slips.
On Monday December 5th 2016 you will be able to fetch the complete key list (hash code of the keyring, signature of Keysigning Coordinator) with all the keys that were submitted along with a text file (miniconf2016-ksp.txt) giving the fingerprint of each key on the ring.
Verify that the fingerprints of your keys in miniconf2016-ksp.txt are correct. Also compute the SHA256 hash of miniconf2016-ksp.txt. One way to do this is with sha256sum invoked as follows:
$ sha256sum miniconf2016-ksp.txt
You can also use gpg command:
$ gpg --print-md sha256 miniconf2016-ksp.txt
Bring to Keysigning Party the hash you computed and a hardcopy of miniconf2016-ksp.txt. It is very important that you have verified at home the fingerprints of your keys on the hardcopy. It is also very important that you have computed the hash at home.
If you have questions please send them to iwamatsu at debian.org.